Heaven on Earth-ORIGINAL-full size 48x72

Heaven on Earth-ORIGINAL-full size 48x72


Heaven on Earth ORIGINAL 60x80 ACRYLIC artwork on gallery wrapped canvas with gold foil.

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Jesus told us to pray like this……Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven but, what does that mean? I love what Myles says….

Religion preoccupies man and keeps him busy until he finds the Kingdom.
Religion prepares man to leave Earth; the Kingdom empowers man to dominate Earth.
Religion focuses on Heaven; the Kingdom focuses on Earth.
Religion is reaching up to God; the Kingdom is God coming down to man.
Religion wants to escape Earth; the Kingdom impacts, influences, and changes Earth.
Religion seeks to take Earth to Heaven; the Kingdom seeks to bring Heaven to Earth.

Myles Munroe